HEP Group published Annual and Sustainability Report for 2020

HEP Group published Annual and Sustainability Report for 2020

HEP published the consolidated Annual and Sustainability Report for 2020, available on the company's web site.

The HEP Group Annual and Sustainability Report, combining till then two separate main annual corporate reports of HEP Group - the Annual Report and the Sustainability Report, was first published in this form last year, for the business year 2019. The integrated report provides an annual overview of the management of financial and non-financial impacts of HEP Group in one place.
HEP Group's goals, strategies and activities in the planning and implementation of sustainable and responsible operations are presented in the Report, which is made in line with the core option of the GRI Standard guidelines and includes data according to the Energy Sector Supplement indicators.
The presentation of environmental impacts through six objectives (climate change mitigation, adaptation to climate change, pollution prevention and control, sustainable use and protection of water and the sea, protection and restoration of biodiversity and ecosystems, and waste management and transition to a circular economy) has been harmonized with the European legislation (EU Taxonomy).

The Report is available on this link.