Electricity sources

Electricity sources

Structure of electricity sources in 2023. 

In 2023 HEP Group had at its disposal 22 TWh of electricity produced or purchased. HEP Opskrba sold in Croatia 8,4 TWh of electricity in total.

Electricity production and procurement GWh
Hydro power plants 7,495
Thermal power plants 4,723
Krško nuclear power plant 2,666
RES 319
Purchase of electricity generated from RES 1,175
Import 5,673

Overview of shares of indvidual electricity sources

CO2 emission 2023

In 2023, HEP's thermal and cogeneration power plants released  2,786,418  t CO2 during the process of electricity generation.

CO2 emission intensity for electricity generated by HEP's thermal and cogeneration power plants in 2023 amounted to 184 g CO2/kWh.

CO2 emission intensity for electricity generated by a generation mix of HEP sources  in 2023 amounted to 133 g CO2/kWh.

The volume of low and intermediate level radioactive waste per kWh for 2023

NE Krško d.o.o. (Krško nuclear power plant), co-owned by HEP d.d. and GEN Energija (50%:50%) operates in the Republic of Slovenia.
Hrvatska elektroprivreda is entitled to 50% of its net annual electricity production.

NPP Krško net electricity generation in 2023: 5,332,488,924 kWh
238 low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste packages were stored with the volume of 62.1 m3 and net weight of 34,843.9 kg
Low- and Intermediate-Level Radioactive Waste (volume): 62.1 m3 / 5,332,488,924 kWh (el) = 1.165 * 10-8 m3/kWh(el)
net Low- and Intermediate-Level Radioactive Waste (net weight): 34,843.9 kg / 5,332,488,924 kWh (el) = 6,534*10-6 kg/kWh(el) or 6534 µg/kWh(el)
High-Level Radioactive Waste – spent fuel – no fuel replacement in 2023

More environmental impact management data available in Sustainability Reports of HEP Group.


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